Playing with Arka's VPF code. Trying to understand it and ultimately put it into halotools.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial, interpolate
from scipy.stats import percentileofscore
from pearce.mocks.kittens import TrainingBox
from time import time
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [3]:
def CDFVolkNN(vol):
N = vol.shape[0]
gof = ((np.arange(0, N) + 1) / (N*1.0))
ind = np.argsort(vol)
sVol= vol[ind]
print sVol.shape, gof.shape, N
# return array of interpolating functions
CDF = interpolate.interp1d(sVol,gof, kind='linear', \
return CDF
In [4]:
def my_CDFVolkNN(vol, binc):
sVol= np.sort(vol)
CDF = np.searchsorted(sVol, binc)
return CDF/float(vol.shape[0])
In [116]:
def VDF(halo_table, nrandoms,cat, bins):
halo_pos = np.stack(halo_table['halo_%s'%coord] for coord in ['x', 'y', 'z']).T
#print halo_pos.shape
#Build Tree with halo positions
periodic=0 # TODO whats this do?
#Generate nrandoms randoms on the same volume
random_pos = np.random.rand(nrandoms,3)*cat.Lbox
# Leaf size from 16-. 256 slowed down queery time a lot
# flipping the defintion the other way doesnt work
#xtree = spatial.cKDTree(halo_pos, boxsize=periodic, leafsize = 256)
xtree = spatial.cKDTree(halo_pos, boxsize=periodic, leafsize = 16)
#Get nearest neighbor distance
dis, disi = xtree.query(random_pos, k=1, eps = 1.0, n_jobs=-1)
vol = dis
#Define the bins
binw = bins[1:] - bins[:-1]
binc = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2
#Now get the VPF
#CDFs = CDFVolkNN(vol)
dummyvpf = my_CDFVolkNN(vol, binc)
#Remove NaN from outside interpolation region
#dummyvpf[np.isnan(dummyvpf)] = 1.0
#return CDFs, dummyvpf
return dummyvpf
In [73]:
cat = TrainingBox(0)
In [74]:
In [75]:
In [102]:
nrandoms = 100**3
Boxsize = cat.Lbox
n1 = 3000 #Number of data points to subsample down to.
#For analysis on 10Mpc-50Mpc scales, a range of 30000<n1<90000
#seems optimal. For pushing to lower scales, you can try increasing
#n1 and see if you get more information.
Ncut = 100000 #Rank on halo mass list to go down to.
In [103]:
halo_masses = cat.halocat.halo_table['halo_mvir']
In [104]:
mass_idxs = np.argsort(halo_masses)
In [105]:
cut_idxs = mass_idxs[-Ncut:]
In [106]:
halo_table = cat.halocat.halo_table[cut_idxs]
In [107]:
bins = np.logspace(-1, 1.8, 1000)
In [108]:
sim_vpf_n1 = VDF(halo_table, Ncut*10,cat, bins)
In [109]:
#interpolator, vpf = sim_vpf_n1
vpf = sim_vpf_n1
In [110]:
binc = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2
In [111]:
plt.plot(binc, vpf);
In [112]:
In [124]:
for mass_cut in [1e14, 1e13,1e12,1e11]:
print mass_cut
cut_idxs = np.where(halo_masses>mass_cut)[0]
halo_table = cat.halocat.halo_table[cut_idxs]
print len(halo_table)
vpf = VDF(halo_table, Ncut*10,cat, bins)
plt.plot(binc, 1-vpf, label = r'$Mass > 10^{%0.1f} M_{\odot}$'%np.log10(mass_cut));
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